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"Men are not broken. The system that we try to fit into, and live up to, is broken - the same system that supports dated definitions of masculinity and unrealistic expectations of perfection, fear of failure, and avoidance of vulnerability, as if they're inherent weakness."                - Patrick Bryant (founder)


What is MANLĒ?

We are a community of men who are interested in "manifesting a new lived experience" that defines roles and identities we take on as men in healthy ways for the modern world. We curiously ask questions like, How do the identities/roles we take on impact us? How do we protect them or project them outwardly? What rules or agreements do we put energy into upholding in order to maintain these identities or live up to expectations? Did we implement these rules/agreements, or someone else? Do they still belong, or do they need editing? We're confident enough in who we are to admit that we don't know everything, to not need to force or overcompensate in the face of uncertainty, and to be vulnerable enough to acknowledge when we have, in fact, forced or overcompensated. No gurus, nor claims to the ultimate path, here. Instead, we are a community. We learn from our experiences and from others.  


Our intention is to foster a community in which men can be curious about what defines us and how we behave toward each other, as people who may look, feel, or act different than us. Toxic or hyper-masculinity does exist, though not all masculine traits are excessive or toxic. The ways in which traditional masculinity has hurt people is not something we need to pawn of on others to fix. Nor is it something we need to blame or shame each other for. Instead, let us listen to, speak with, and learn from each other. Our vision includes men who embody consciousness, confidence, and competence. When we act with intention and authenticity, we can confidently be who we are - exhibiting strength and compassion, responsibility and flexibility, independence and connection, assertiveness and gentleness. We offer experiences for gathering, connecting, learning, and strengthening our identity as conscious, confident, and competent men.




This idea was born in conversation, and will continue to grow in it. In his early adult life, founder, Patrick Bryant, had a vision of a community of men who gather to share experiences and ideas, support each other in growth, development, and acceptance, and to offer constructive and enlightening insights when we become misguided or out of touch. After meeting colleagues and friends sharing similar visions, these conversations started to manifest in podcasts, writings, lectures, and workshops. Beliefs and practice rooted in the mindset that all people are complete with many parts; some appealing, some not so appealing, and some indifferent, began to form the foundation for MANLĒ. In professional practice, both Patrick specializes in helping men navigate obstacles through mindfulness, adjusting unrealistic expectations, and treating clients like human beings, rather than problems to be fixed. 

Patrick, a Licensed Clinical Social worker and owner/psychotherapist at The Peaceful Place, LLC, brings his philosophy of mindfulness, balance, and connection through mental and emotional health, the healthy masculine identity, and mind-body integration. 

Our evolution

Why join us?

MANLE is not the first, nor is it the only community for healthy development in men. We see each organization as contributing spokes in the wheel toward a bigger picture, each with its own approach, attributes, and offerings. MANLE is not only a network to foster healthy connection, learning, and conversation, we create opportunities to put these attributes into practice. Our offerings include online courses, live workshops, online social engagements, in-person networking events, men's retreats, and the occasional spontaneous hike in nature.

Members receive exclusive benefits. Our basic level, or "Explorer," provides members with discounts for online and in-person events, as well as connection and shared ideas via the members portal on this site.  At the premium level, "Pathfinder" members receive all benefits from the basic level, as well as increased discounts for online and in-person events, invitations to networking events (happy hours, hikes, etc.), access to special interest forums (largely determined by interests of group members) and Resources page, our online how-to catalog, and more.

We are excited to offer experiences that foster growth toward becoming more enlightened through consciousness, confidence, and competence.

Meet our contributors


Patrick Bryant


Like many people, I have been curious about myself, this world, and how I can be purposeful and intentional while I'm in it. Being a man has taken on many definitions throughout my life, due to social constructs, family dynamics, media influence, and my own perceptions. Over the past decade, however, I've found that my definition is far less rigid and prescriptive. For me, what it means to be a man has evolved to include traditional values of strength, respect, competence, and purpose, as well as attributes of kindness, compassion, confidence, spirituality, emotional intelligence, and empathy. 


Much of my motivation to start this organization is rooted in the examples of healthy men who came before me, who will be featured in the spotlight segment over time on this site. My experiences as a clinical social worker, psychotherapist, meditation instructor, husband, son, friend, and business owner have all contributed to the ways in which I carry myself and navigate my life on this planet. Components of Buddhism, specifically mindfulness, have resonated with me, and created space for me to better understand who I am, as well as authentically, genuinely, and confidently be me.

I hope that this site offers all of its members opportunities for growth, meaningful connection, and insight that helps men be conscious, confident, and competent in their lives. Welcome and Enjoy!


Antwan Aiken

Co-host: Round Table Discussion

Masculinity can be described as a social construct that is independently applied by individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations. As a black male and proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, my evolution of masculinity has been shaped by religion, culture, history, tradition, criminal justice, education, healthcare and various other social factors. Throughout early and middle childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, I have self-queried my beliefs and expressions of masculinity and strive to define and form what is masculinity, who taught it and why do I accept it. Today, my definition of masculinity rejects some of my prior restrictive rationales and instead include themes such as inclusivity, adaptability, intersectionality, mental health and growth. I hold many identities such as husband, gay, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist, entrepreneur, and Professor; all these identities include my masculinity, or lack thereof if I choose, which is my choice. I am so excited to share my unique perspectives on this platform and in turn, I plan to learn, discover, and self-inform throughout the process.

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Patrick Gragson

Assistant Outdoor Guide:

Mindful Outdoor Retreats

Patrick has lived in Georgia most of his life and loves exploring the mountains and rivers of the state. His favorite river (so far) is the Altamaha. While it lacks the rapids that make the rivers of North Georgia exciting, the vast amount of wildlife and the mystique of the cypress swamps more than makes up for its leisurely pace. Patrick's passion for nature led him to pursue a degree in environmental engineering in order to help protect the environment. After college he worked for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for several years helping to prevent and clean up pollution around the state. During this time he was trained in wilderness first aid and was a member of the DNR Search and Rescue team. Patrick is excited to help others become more in touch with nature and share the many benefits of that connection. 

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Garrett Thurman

Assistant Outdoor Guide:

Mindful Outdoor Retreats

Garrett is a Licensed Professional Counselor. He grew up in Colorado, and has been camping and hiking since infancy. Garrett loves rock climbing, art, and photography, and tries to get outdoors as much as possible. In his counseling practice, he specializes in treating anxiety and looks for creative ways to help clients heal and thrive

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